
Anais Babajanian

How to set boundaries without feeling "bad"

Published 4 months ago • 2 min read

How to set boundaries without feeling "bad"

You want to make yourself available to your team (especially if they’re hybrid or remote) and appease your clients, but all this does is keep you in “survival mode” and inches you closer to burnout every day.

The thought of telling your clients “no” or shutting down a request from your team is probably overwhelming and anxiety-inducing, as it could mean losing a valuable team member or a lucrative account.

But – setting boundaries doesn’t have to be a black-and-white exercise. You can still show your clients and your team that you care without giving them every ounce of your time and energy.

Here are 3 ways to set boundaries without feeling like a “bad” manager or leader:

1) Create rules for communication

The advances we've experienced in technology have skyrocketed our productivity, but it has resulted in many employees and managers feeling isolated, overwhelmed, and constantly distracted.

The key to avoiding this slippery slope is to create and implement rules AND a purpose for every single communication channel within your organization.

2) Offer a trade-off instead of a flat "no"

The best way to start setting boundaries with your employees or clients is to focus on their wants and needs so you can give them a “yes” for something else.

Not only does this show that you’re there to support them, but it keeps the door open for future negotiations.

3) Enforce clear escalation protocols

Not every problem requires your intervention. Defining clear steps for when an issue should be escalated helps in maintaining order and efficiency.

These guidelines should include the types of issues that warrant escalation and the appropriate channels and steps to take to do so.

For more details and examples for each of these strategies, click the button below to read the full article on my blog:

Things I found helpful this week:

  • This Forbes article that outlines 3 ways to set boundaries with clients.
  • This LinkedIn post from Pejman Milani where he beautifully illustrates the concept of slow growth and delayed gratification.
  • This quote: "The cold water doesn't get warmer if you jump late." - Unknown

I hope you found something helpful or insightful here - please reply back and let me know what topics you’d like me to cover in future issues. See you next Thursday!


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Anais Babajanian

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