How to capitalize on the different "seasons" of your career (and life)

Every season serves a purpose - you just need the right mindset to see it.

I've been in the midst of a rather busy season for both my business and my life since May (which is why this newsletter is four months late). Like most people, but especially as a leader or an entrepreneur, it often feels as though everything is happening all at once or nothing is happening and there's zero traction.

At first, I felt incredibly on edge, as I had to put my usual marketing and outreach initiatives to the side in order to fully commit to the new opportunities I'd been offered. My thoughts would often circle around: "Why can't I do it all? Why am I letting all this momentum I created go to waste?"

What I learned, though, is that this "slowing down" of my old routine wasn't going to be a detriment to my business - it was actually going to create the space I needed to develop new practices that would take my business (and my life) to the next level.

For some context: In the last four months, I have:

  • Taken on a new role as a contracted technical advisor for the Resilient Business Advising Program through the Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce and have helped over a dozen LA-based small business owners start and/or scale their businesses. If you're an LA-based small business owner, you should definitely apply!
  • Been contracted as a Personal and Professional Development Coach through Boon.
  • Developed and hosted a 2-day Leadership Training Workshop for new managers for a pharmaceutical company based in Orange County.
  • Helped my private business coaching clients create and implement new processes and protocols to set them up for long-term growth.
  • Celebrated Anais Babajanian Coaching turning 2 years old last month!
  • Prepared myself to enter parenthood at the end of this month (!!!)

Though I wasn't able to keep up my usual routine, the realizations, connections, and momentum that these opportunities afforded me far exceeded any results I was producing before.

The lesson here is: Don't shame yourself for not keeping up with something if it isn't creating the outcomes you want. There's no sense in doing work "for the sake of doing it." Fulfilling a purpose with your efforts beats blind discipline any day.

One last thing: Consistency is absolutely key to anything that you do as long as you can clearly point to the WHY behind the effort or task. For me, seeing the results I created for my clients and workshop participants helped me hone in on my marketing strategy and develop a plan that feels authentic and impactful, both for myself and for those who I wish to serve.

So, what does this look like for you? What's happening in this season in your life that you can reflect on and find an opportunity to make the next season more focused and effective? Feel free to reply and let me know - I'd love to be a part of your growth journey!

Things I found helpful this week:

  • This Harvard Business Review blog article that highlights how organizations are having to shift from implementing intermittent change to embracing constant change in order to both stay relevant and keep employees engaged.
  • This LinkedIn post from Steven Bartlett that beautifully illustrates the perils that come with claiming the title of "expert."
  • This quote: "Don’t mistake timing for patience. When you have the right principles in place, you have the patience to wait for the right opportunities." - Ray Dalio

I hope you found something helpful or insightful here - please reply back and let me know what topics you’d like me to cover in future issues. See you next month!


P.S. If you enjoyed reading this, please send it to someone who might find it helpful as well. If you were forwarded this email, please consider subscribing to receive future issues and follow me on LinkedIn and Instagram for more business and leadership content.

Are you a small business owner or leader who feels stuck and needs direction on streamlining your operations or managing your team?

Here's how I can help:

Business Essentials Assessment: A comprehensive audit & action plan that helps you identify gaps and gain clarity on where to focus your efforts & resources so you can stop feeling stuck and start moving forward. This is a GREAT way to end your year so you can start 2025 with a clear Action Plan for growth! Apply for an assessment here.

1:1 Business Coaching Program: My signature 3 or 6-month coaching program where I help you break free from overwhelm and decision fatigue by providing you with the focus, accountability, and direction you need to reach your goals. Book a Discovery Call to learn more.

Leadership Development Workshop: A 1 or 2-day workshop designed to help new managers transition out of being individual contributors and learn how to lead and manage teams effectively. Submit a Workshop Inquiry to learn more.

Anais Babajanian

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